I am leading the "Intelligent Sensing and Perception" group at the University of Stuttgart.
Our new official group website is coming soon!
Our Group
The Intelligent Sensing and Perception group is part of the Institute for Artificial Intelligence at the University of Stuttgart. Our goal is to advance computer vision and multimodal perception methods to solve impactful problems in assistive systems, robotics and autonomous driving. Our research particularly emphasizes the development of data-efficient, domain-invariant, and privacy-preserving algorithms to perceive humans and understand their interactions with their surroundings, including their behaviour, emotions, physiology, intentions, and needs. Our long-term goal is to build scalable and reliable human- and scene understanding models for autonomous agents interacting with and assisting the human in an open dynamic environment.
- Alina Roitberg - professor
- Angela Grimminger - secretary & team assistant
- Juliane Rohlmann - administration, financial and HR Management
- Stefan Geyer - PhD student
- Malte Sönnichsen - PhD student
- Kunyu Peng - PhD student (external at KIT, co-supervision with Rainer Stiefelhagen)
- David Schneider - PhD student (external at KIT, co-supervision with Rainer Stiefelhagen)
Interested in joining our lab?
We are continuously looking for talented and self-motivated PhD students and Postdocs. Please check the application website .